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Lower Prices. Using these tools with drawing aids helps you to place and modify elements to create accurate building models. As you start modeling, several features called drawing aids display, as shown in Figure 2—1. They help you to create autodesk revit 2020 mep fundamentals pdf free quickly and accurately. These aids are available with most drawing and many modification commands, as shown in Figure 2—2.

Figure 2—2 Alignment lines display as soon as you move the cursor over nearby elements. They help keep lines horizontal, vertical, or at a specified angle. They also line up with the implied intersections of walls and other elements. Temporary dimensions display to help autodesk revit 2020 mep fundamentals pdf free elements at the correct length, angle and location.

Alternatively, you can place the element and then modify the value as required. Hint: Temporary Dimensions and Permanent Dimensions Temporary dimensions disappear as soon as you finish adding elements. If you want to make them permanent, select the control shown in Figure 2—3. Snaps are key points that help you reference existing elements to exact points when drawing, as shown in Figure 2—4.

Читать далее snap location type displays with a different symbol Connectors MEP only work similar to здесь, but have more intelligence about the size, system, and flow of items e. For example, connectors automatically add fittings to ducts, such as the elbow, transition, and tee shown in Figure 2—5. The Посетить страницу dialog box enables you to set which snap points are active, and set the dimension increments displayed for temporary dimensions both linear and angular.

Temporary overrides only affect a single pick, but can be very helpful when there are snaps nearby other than the one you want to use. Reference As you develop designs in the Autodesk Revit software, there are times when you need lines to help you define certain Planes locations. You can draw reference planes which display as dashed green lines and snap to them whenever you need to line up elements. For the example shown in Figure 2—7, the lighting fixtures in the reflected ceiling plan are placed using reference planes.

In Properties, select a style from the Subcategory list. Hint: Measuring Tools When modifying a model, it is useful to know the distance between elements. For example, a lighting fixture can be designed to be hosted by a face such as a wall or ceilingor to stand alone by itself, as shown in Figure 2— The Autodesk Revit software includes both architectural components such as the lamp and wall sconces in Figure 2—10 and MEP components such as the downlight fixtures that include connectors.

Ceiling-based Stand-alone Wall-based family family family. Components are located in family files with the extension. For example, a component family named Wall Sconce. Figure 2—10 Most components are inserted using specific tools, including:. Exact steps for inserting specific components are Air terminal Electrical Equipment covered later product key windows 8.1 pro build 9600 free this guide.

Plumbing Fixture Lighting Fixtures. Their most critical content are the connectors, as you see in for a piece of mechanical equipment in Figure 2— How To: Insert Components 1.

Start the appropriate command. Figure 2—12 3. Tag on Placement to toggle this option on or off. Proceed as follows, based on the type of component used:. If the Then Wall hosted Set the Elevation in Properties, as shown in Figure 2— This starts the appropriate command with the same type selected.

In a plan view, the Work Plane is automatically parallel to the level. In an elevation or 3D view, you must specify the Work Plane before you start sketching. How To: Select a Work Plane 1. Start a command that requires a work plane or, in the. Ensure the entire plane is highlighted before you select it. If you are in a view in which the sketch cannot be created, the Go To View dialog box opens.

Select one of the views and click Open View. Loading You can load additional families into a project. In the contextual.

How To: Load a Family 1. In the Load Family dialog box, locate the folder that contains the family or families you читать полностью to load, as shown in Figure 2— Figure 2—18 3.

Select the family or families you want to load. Click Open. Purging You can remove unused elements from a project, including individual component types, as shown in Figure 2— Unused Components.

In the Purge autodesk revit 2020 mep fundamentals pdf free dialog box, click Check None and select the elements that you want to purge.

Click OK. Purging unused components not only helps simplify the component list, but more importantly, reduces the project file size. In this practice, you will insert a variety of MEP fixtures, including air terminals, plumbing fixtures and lighting fixtures, as shown in Figure 2— You will use various drawing aids to help you place the autodesk revit 2020 mep fundamentals pdf free appropriately. Mechanical Plumbing Electrical Figure 2— In the practice files Basics folder, open Simple-Building-Start.

The 1 - Mech view is highlighted, and you are in a Mechanical floor plan. Click near autodesk revit 2020 mep fundamentals pdf free center of room Labas shown in Figure 2— Click to place the autodesk revit 2020 mep fundamentals pdf free in the lower left corner of room Lab Note that the boiler automatically aligns to источник статьи wall, as shown in Figure 2— The air terminals are 1.

Equipment is typically toggled on. In the Type Selector, select one of the wall-mounted water closets. Click along one of the walls to place the fixture, as shown in Figure 2— Return to the Type Selector and review the list. Note that there are sinks, but no lavatories.

Load Family. In the Load Family dialog box, the Autodesk Windows server 2008 r2 standard service pack 2 free family library automatically displays. Place the lavatory against the wall across from the autodesk revit 2020 mep fundamentals pdf free closet. Click Modify and select the new fixture. Drag it up or down until it meets with the alignment line of the WC, as shown in Figure 2— Click outside the building model to release the selection.

Move the cursor over the grid. The light snaps to the grid lines, as shown in Autodesk revit 2020 mep fundamentals pdf free 2— Click to place two fixtures in the room, as shown in Figure 2— The light fixtures display in this view although you are seeing a plan view. Place the switch to the left of the door. It displays only as a symbol. The Autodesk Revit software was designed to make such changes quickly and efficiently. You can change an element using the methods shown in Figure 2—28, and described below:.

Controls and connectors Temporary dimensions. MEP only. When you select an element, various controls and connectors display depending on the element and view.

Using controls, you can change an elements length or location, and flip or rotate some elements. MEP connectors also provide information about attachments and enable you to add related elements, as shown for creating pipe from a pipe accessory in Figure 2— Hint: Editing Temporary Dimensions Temporary dimensions automatically link to the closest wall. To change the location, you can drag the Witness Line control as shown in Autodesk revit 2020 mep fundamentals pdf free 2—30 to connect to a new reference.

You can also click on the control to toggle between justifications in the wall. Before - connected to centerline of wall. After - connected to edge of wall. If you drag from left to right, you only select the elements completely inside the window. If you drag from right to left, you select elements both inside and crossing the window.

You can also right-click in the drawing window with nothing selected and select Select Previous.



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